Caring for Cacti


  • Early spring
  • Fill containers (clay pots, ice cube tray, etc., leaving room at the top. Sift the soil to remove any organic matter or large pieces - twigs, stones, etc.
  • Lay the seeds on top - no need to cover
  • Cover container with clear plastic. Use tape or elastic as needed to seal
  • Ideal soil temp - 22°c
  • At 4 weeks you can start poking holes to let air in, adding more holes each week to slowly harden the baby cacti. However, the longer they stay in the enclosure, the the better start they'll have Many leave their baby cacti sealed for up to 6 months. If you notice fungi, then open.

Caring for Young

  • Avoid knocks
  • Keep soil warm for 2 years to accelerate growth
  • Don't water from mid-autumn until end of winter (if outside)
  • After the first year, keep it hot (4-5°c in winter. Use a terrerium or plastic bottle cover
  • Every 2 years add fresh soil or cactus specific fertilizer (2:7:7) - use half the recommended dose
  • 12-16 hours per day of light. Flourescent, but not too strong.
  • At 6-10 months, seeldings are 6-8 inches tall, and can fall over, esp. when thirsty. Chop at the point where the stem is thickening (1-3 inches from the ground), allow the cut to heal and dry, then replant. I fully ignored this and just repotted my plants so the thin part was buried. That also seems to work.


Spider Mites

  • Encompass the whole cactus
  • Spin fine web
  • Appears on older/lower sections first
  • Seen as fine light specling, localised pale yellow spots
  • Extensive damage shows as bronzed.
  • Causes cactus to go dormant


  • Spray the mites off the plant using water pressure
  • Separate infested plants
  • Use insecticidal soap or predators


  • Cacti are elongated
  • Yellowing may also occur


  • Increase the light power/distance - the plant is not getting enough light
  • Introduce more light gradually over weeks
  • For larger plants, it might be worth cutting off the etoliated bit and re-rooting once caloused over

Root Rot

  • Soft, brown roots
  • Cacti might be wobbley
  • The base of the plant has turned yellow or brown - this is severe
  • Red colour/spots: Do a scratch test - does a scratch heal over nicely? If not, then probably rot


  • Plants are often beyond saving by the time root rot is noticable
  • Dry the plant out, and cut off the rotten roots - they will appear brown or even blackish
  • Replant in a less organic substrate - sand, peat, limestone, bone meal, blood meal, vermiculite

Red colour/spots

  • Check if root-rot.
  • Could be physical damage/stress
  • Could be too much light
  • Purple/red might be from cold


  • Reduce light and water. Increase temperature
  • Wait


  • Use masking tape on fingers when handling spiny cacti
  • Tap plants out of pot - they should come easily
  • Separate seedlings gently, shake off extra soil
  • Leave for a day or 2 so roots can heal, then water well

Trimming Stalks

  • At 6-10 months, seeldings are 6-8 inches tall, and can fall over, esp. when thirsty.
  • Tap plants out of pot - they should come easily
  • Separate seedlings gently, shake off extra soil